Showing posts with label Live and Learn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live and Learn. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

These Things I Know for Sure

I have had a pretty tough time the past few years. I have lost loved ones, become a 50-something-year-old single empty-nester, changed churches, changed jobs, and learned to run a household all on my own.  Through it all, I have laughed a lot, cried a lot and learned a lot. 
I still don’t know everything, but these are the things - Life Lessons, if you will - that I now know for sure….

1.    Duct tape fixes everything. And, it now comes in pretty patterns.
2.    Everything in your house is synchronized to fall apart at the same time.
3.    As you enter into your 50’s, your horizons continue to widen…and so does your backend
4.    Nobody loves you like your mama
5.    My daddy was the most brilliant man that ever lived
6.    Contrary to my southern upbringing, I don’t have to be sweet to everyone.  And, everyone does not have to like me.  I can say what I think.  Much like a man does.
7.    To get children to listen to you, whisper
8.    To get appliance repair men to listen, bark like a big dog
9.    The best food you will ever eat, you eat at your mama’s table.  Be careful what you put on your table.  Do you want the best food your children will ever eat to be chicken nuggets and spaghetti-o’s?
10. One morning you will wake up and you will have experienced a role reversal.  Your children will be “taking care” of you. That means they will be telling you what to do.
11. I can pray for the people I love, the people I don’t much like, world peace, forgiveness, healing, grace, mercy and a good parking spot – and God blesses all my prayers
12. Simple things like watching the deer in my back yard make me as happy as a new pair of shoes
13. When you have a closet full of clothes with the price tags still on them, you got too many clothes.  YES!  I said it!  I HAVE TOO MANY CLOTHES! 
14. I don’t have to speak with a fake, slightly Northern accent to appear to be intelligent.  I can and do embrace my southerness whole heartedly and I am an intelligent, experienced, successful professional.  Dadgumit!
15. The best things I have done in my life I did not do at work.
16. I cannot always control everything. (Whew! Made me sweat to even type that!)
17. I don’t always have to win. But, I sure do like to.
18. The best antidepressant is to do something for someone else.
19. My best memories come from my hardest times.
20. Nobody can make me happy.  Only I can do that. Happiness is a choice
21. My mother lives in my head and often pops out of my mouth
22. She also lives in my mirror
23. My son is smarter than me, but I am wiser
24. I can go anywhere, be anybody and do anything.  I choose to be me right here doing what I am doing now.  That is freedom.
25. Just because you go to church with someone, or you have known someone your whole life doesn’t mean they are your friend.  You only get a couple of true-blue friends in your lifetime and they do not leave you.
26. I have no patience for stupid
27. Most times comfort trumps cute
28. I can no longer skip lunch and lose 5 pounds.
29. My happy place is my recliner on an early Saturday morning with a cup of coffee and my Yorkie, Zeke, in my lap watching Lifetime movies. I am woman enough to admit that.
30. The ocean is the best tranquilizer in the world.
31. Children do not have to be born to you to be your kids
32. All the rules you need in life are in God’s word.
33. I would give anything to spend one more hour with my daddy
34. Who you know gets you in the door; hard work keeps you there.
35. Bad deals rarely get better (Thank you, Steve Ballard)
36. Ice Cream is good for the soul.  Cookies help, too.
37. When you look at things differently, the things you look at change.
38. Live in a state of gratitude and you will be grateful for everything that comes your way.
39. The most I ever had in my life were the times I had very little.
40. Everyone needs someone they can count on.  Someone to listen, give advice, and give an opinion.  Someone who doesn’t judge you, understands you, knows who you are and loves you anyway.  Someone who makes you laugh, wipes away tears, stands up for you, and always has your back.  Someone who tells you that you are beautiful when you don’t have on make-up.  Someone who is proud of you when you do good and still proud of you when you don’t.  Someone who loves your mother even when she is driving you nuts. Someone who hugs you for no reason.  Someone who prays with you and for you. When you find that person, hold on tight and never let go. This is the most important thing I want my son to know.


A Word to the Lady in Walmart About Her Mama

  The wheelchair was rolling slowly down the cosmetic aisle as the pretty older lady looked at the vast array of colorful lipsticks, blushes...